Friday, September 5, 2008

secret 5 : i like him..maybe

can you keep a secret?

when it comes to love , like, infatuation, crush and flirt
i am just clueless hands down.
my feelings are never well sorted out

it just that today,
a certain someone sort of said,
" ...lookin' forward to annoy you every subject next semester"
i sort of go.."how dare you!!!!"
my mind reaction :*wink wink* *hop hop*

with him,
sometimes there are moments of ackward~ness when we are left alone
sometimes we treat each other nicely
but most of the times, we'll playfully bully each other endlessly

one thing for sure,
i never really care what he thinks of me
neither do i care what i thought of him
i just enjoy the attention ;p

who am i?
that's a secret i'll never tell.
i maybe the big apple donuts you had for lunch


Pocket said...

but attention is dangerous
cause we are so craving for attention, some different body language can always be interpreted as 'the sign'
then.. its our head in the cloud.
but not for him or her, cause he/she didnt even realize about 'the sign'
he/she's given out.

basically syok sendiri:) huhuuuu...

cordelia said...

LOL i think so too ;p. but well, i rather syok sendiri rather than all the above stated love, like, etc. in this case it is more dangerous and can cause problem later on.

i'm just happily enjoying the moment without any hope or agenda.hehe