Tuesday, September 2, 2008

secret 4 : i think anorexic is never beautiful

can you keep a secret?

a friend asked about my weight.
i told her.in return she told me hers
and then she went..
"aaaa i rasa i dah put on weight la...omg macam mana ni. i ni gemok kan?kan?kan?"
mind you she is like paper thin and she complains she looks like an elephant.
and worse...
i'm heavier than her =.="

my reply : "ehh no.. where gotttt".
the mind reaction : *stab* *stab* *stab* with uchiwa *a kind of japanese kipas with handle*

who am i?
that's a secret i'll never tell
i maybe the overused weighing machine next to your bed


Pocket said...

i actually know someone who changed her waist size from badak size to cicak size,
she actually do vomit all her food after eating intentionally.
Every meal will start by one glass of orange juice. and then the beef steak and nasi goreng kampung,
the meal end with any kind of juice she likes.

and then she'll vomit till the orange juice come out again...
ahai..sayang nyaaa...

cordelia said...

aaaa women are weird like that when it comes to [being beautiful] or [trying to].. i guess ;p

as for me, i'm just satisfied with BMI within normal range...hehe.

" dear God, if u cannot make me match stick thin, just pretty please don't make my friends anorexic."